
Saturday, 8 October 2011

Look of the day J1

Just as I was running out of the house yesterday, I decided I just  had to do a post on this outfit.
I absolutely adore it, it's so simple-just black and white....but I think the contrast between the silk off-white top and faux leather skirt is just wonderful!

I'm also absolutely in love with the little black ankle boots i'm wearing in the photos. I actually have to give credit to my friend for this purchase. I saw her wearing these babies and ran out to buy some. Alas, by the time I got there, they didnt have my  I'm squeezing my little toes into size 4's instead. Total worth the sacrifice I say.
They remind me quite a lot of the Rag & Bone Newbury boots that Rachel Bilson wears all the time. 
Unfortunately, you can't quite see the beauty of the boots in this post-but fear not, I think they'll be making quite a few appearances over this season.

Last night I went out with one of my friends to Hix in Soho. If you Londoners haven't had a chance to check it out yet....then I strongly recomment you do. Best oysters ever. Also it's quite the hot spot for people watching....never seen so much people plastic in my life. Honestly, I feared that the man sat  next to me would melt if he sat any closer to the candle!
After a few cocktails and wine glasses though, our eyes did start to the frozen yoghurt shop across the street. It wasn't exactly the weather for a frozen delight....but the place just looked so pink and chocolatey. Might not be as classy as Hix, but boy, did I enjoy my Chocolate Snog.

P.S Apologies for the lack of actual photos on this post...deciding to do a photo sesh when running late wasnt my wisest move.


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